Top Care Hacks for Your Wigs


Perhaps you find a trip to the salon a few blocks from your house a daunting task, even when it is so near. It could be every reminder on your phone on the upcoming appointment is dreadful, and you no longer look forward to it. You admire your close friends with wigs but feel a bit hesitant in pulling the same look, if not better.

The allure of having soft, silky, and attractive lace front wigs human hair is increasingly beckoning with the dawn of each day. However, one dominant thought at the back of your mind is whether you will be able to take care of one, should you get it. Whether getting a deep wave, curly, or even a straight pack, the maintenance boils down to using the same care techniques.

To help ease your mind, the below guide will help in your wig care.

Be Mindful When Washing the Wigs

Human hair wigs don’t have the natural moisture and sheen as with natural hair. Using harsh shampoo and conditioning will strip its luster and vibrancy. Whatever inches you are rocking, even with the 360 frontal wigs, don’t wash it too many times. Once you feel your hair is getting a little sticky or dry more than expected, it signals time to clean. It would best to use sulfate-free, clarifying shampoos that are mild and gentle to your wigs and hair as well. It is also advisable to prep it and rinse before shampooing and conditioning, and finally drying it.

Wig Storage

You wouldn’t want your Brazilian curly human hair wig to look messed up because you kept it below your pile of clothes and are in a hurry to leave the house. Storing your wig upright, free from obstacles pressing their weight on it, is ideal, like in a mannequin. You can also use a wig stand. Remember, the more TLC you give your wig, the better service it will give, thus translating to more longevity and giving you instant transformation.

Even though a human hair wig is stronger and more durable than a synthetic wig, keeping it away from extreme heat exposure is advisable. Nevertheless, that should not deter you from having waves to your unprocessed lace pre-plucked wig. You can still have heat applied to your wigs to get your curls when you get high-quality frontal lace wigs, which gives you value for your money’s worth.

One of the best features of owning a human hair wig is its flexibility in use. Today you can wear a straight honey blond wig and switch it up the next day for a deep wavy colored burgundy and ginger fitting- whatever ticks your fancy. Stand out from the crowd with high-quality frontal lace wigs with impeccable sheen and texture, and what better way than to purchase one from One More Hair. Plus, you have a wide variety of choices from Brazilian loose wave, blonde color invisible, piano color highlights, among others. The freedom in diversity to accommodate different color highlights, textures, lengths, and even shapes, and you can have that with a single click.


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